Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ từ và động từ trong tiếng Anh

A. Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ từ và động từ trong tiếng Anh

Thông thường, một chủ từ số ít sẽ đi với một động từ số ít. Tuy nhiên, nhiều lúc cũng rất khó khác định chủ từ ấy số ít hay số nhiều. Sau đây là một số nguyên tắc căn bản:

  • 1. Hai chủ từ số ít nối với nhau bằng and:

    • a. Thông thường động từ sẽ ở số nhiều.

      - Bob and Dick are here.

    • b. Động từ sẽ ở số ít nếu cả hai từ cùng chỉ một người, một vật.

      - The teacher and singer is coming!

      - Bread and butter is his favourite breakfast.

  • 2. Hai chủ từ số ít nối với nhau bằng as well as, including, together with, with, along with... sẽ đi với một động từ số ít vì thực chất chủ từ theo sau bị tách rời khỏi chủ từ trước bởi dấu phẩy.

    - Bob, along with Dick and Harry, is going on vacation

  • 3. Hai chủ từ nối với nhau bằng either, or, neither, nor thì động từ sẽ thay đổi theo chủ từ ở gần nó nhất.

    - Neither Bob nor the others were ready for the test.

    - You or he is right.

  • 4. Nếu chủ từ là một danh từ tập hợp:

    • a. Động từ sẽ ở số ít khi ta muốn đề cập đến một tập thể.

      - The football team is playing well.

      - The Government has decided to pass the bill.

    • b. Động từ sẽ ở số nhiều nếu ta muốn đề cập đến các thành viên trong tập thể ấy.

      - The football team are having lunch.

      - The Government have discussed the matter for hours.

  • 5. Các danh từ people, police, public, clergy, cattle luôn luôn đi với một động từ số nhiều.

    - The police are making enquiries about the murder.

  • 6. Anybody, anyone, another, every, each, either, neither, everyone, everybody, everything, much, little, one, nobody, nothing, somebody, something, someone... luôn luôn đi với một động từ số ít.

    - Neither of my friends has come yet.

    - Everybody looks eager.

  • 7. Allnone có thể dùng với một động từ số ít hoặc số nhiều.

    - None of us is perfect.

    - He cried, "All is lost".

  • 8. The number of dùng với một động từ số ít, nhưng A number of lại dùng với một động từ số nhiều.

    - The number of students in class is small.

    - A number of students were waiting for the shuttle bus.

  • 9. Khi chủ từ giả There (formal subject) được sử dụng, động từ thay đổi theo chủ từ thật.

    - There are many maps on the wall.

  • 10. Các danh từ chỉ môn hay ngành học tận cùng bằng -ics có thể dùng với động từ số ít hoặc số nhiều.

    - Politics have (has) always interested me.

    - Mathematics is (are) well taught at that school.

Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form in each of the following sentences.

1. The United States ________ (lie) between Canada and Mexico.

2. Three years ________ (be) a long time to wait.

3. The old man with his dog ________ (pass) my house every morning

4. Mr. Thomas as well as his assistants ________ (arrive) here since yesterday.

5. That you win a good place at a prestigious university ________ (be) very admirable.

6. Neither her mother nor her father ________ (want) her to be a teacher.

7. Eight kilos of gold ________ (steal) from the bank yesterday.

8. The number of employees who ________ (not finish) their work yet ________ (have) to work on the weekend.

9. The levels of intoxication ________ (vary) from subject to subject.

10. The money that ________ (spend) on education every year is not enough.

11. Two weeks ________ (go) fast when you are on vacation.

12. That you enjoy the food I cook ________ (encourage) me a lot.

13. Measles ________ (be) cured without much difficulty nowadays.

14. A number of children ________ (sleep) in the bedroom now.

15. My mother and my father ________ (live) happily since they got married.

16. Many a student ________ (want) to study all day at school.

17. Nowadays many students ________ (like) playing games.

18. Mathematics ________ (be) considered as a difficult subject by many students.

19. Tom, together with his friends, ________ (want) to join the football team.

20. The teacher as well as her students ________ (disagree) with the new rule.

21. Most of the food ________ (prepare) by Jane's mother.

22. Most of the students in class ________ (get) high scores in the test.

23. Our team ________ (be) the best. It has a good chance of winning.

24. There ________ (be) a van and two cars in the parking area.

25. Each package that is not properly wrapped ________ (have) to be returned to the sender.

26. Not only my younger sister but also my friends ________ (come) to my university.

27. Tom and Jerry _______ (be) very well known all over the world.

28. Both Jane and Laura ________ (cook) for their dinner party at this time yesterday.

29. After the accident, the injured ________ (take) to hospital yesterday.

30. Either you or I ________ (be) right.

Đáp án:

1. lies

2. is

3. passes

4. has arrived

5. is

6. wants

7. was stolen

8. haven’t finished – has

9. vary

10. is spent

11. goes

12. encourages

13. is

14. are sleeping

15. have lived

16. wants

17. like

18. is

19. wants

20. disagrees

21. is/was prepared

22. get

23. is

24. is

25. has

26. come

27. is

28. were cooking

29. were taken

30. am

Exercise 2. Choose the best word or phrase to complete in the following questions.

1. A large number of students in Chu Van An high school _______ English fluently.

A. speaks

B. is speaking

C. has spoken

D. speak

2. Five billion dollars _______  not enough to aid the victims of the earthquake.

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are

3. A series of lectures _______ being presented at the Central Hall this week.

A. are

B. will be

C. has become

D. is

4. Beauty as well as health _______ failed her this term.

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are

5. Two years in a strange country _______ like a long time for lonely people.

A. is appearing

B. has appeared

C. appears

D. appeared

6. Peter, with his two buddies, _______ the cherry tree now.

A. has split

B. have split

C. is splitting

D. are splitting

7. Bread and butter _______ what Jane asks for.

A. is

B. are

C. will be

D. have been

8. If anyone _______, tell them I will call when I come back.

A. was calling

B. called

C. call

D. calls

9. The film "Titanic" _______ very interesting and romantic.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

10. Mathematics _______ my favorite subject.

A. is

B. are

C. has been

D. have been

11. Neither the parents nor the children _______ aware of the danger.

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. has been

12. The Browns _______ in New York since they migrated to America in 2000.

A. are living

B. have lived

C. have been living

D. has been living

13. Each of the boys in my class _______ the football team.

A. joins

B. have joined

C. are joining


14. Neither of the restaurants we went to _______ expensive.

A. have been

B. are

C. was

D. were

15. Neither Mary nor her brothers _______ a consent form for tomorrow’s field trip.

A. need

B. needs

C. is needing

D. has needed

Đáp án:

1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. A

11. C

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. A

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