Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 5 Getting Started - Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success (cả năm) bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:


By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- An overview about the topic: inventions for education.

- Vocabulary to talk about inventions for education.

2. Core competence

- Develop communication skills and awareness of inventions for education.

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.

- Actively join in class activities.

3. Personal qualities

- Develop flexibility and creativity in learning.

- Be responsible for studying, using educational apps.


- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 5, Getting started

- Computer connected to the Internet

- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards         


Language analysis




Vietnamese equivalent 

1. invent (v)


to produce or design something that has not existed before

phát minh, sáng chế

2. improve (v)


​to become better than before; to make something/somebody better than before

cải thiện, trở nên tốt hơn

3. suitable (adj)

/ˈsuːtəbl/ or /ˈsjuːtəbl/

right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion

phù hợp

4. app (n)


a piece of software that you can download to a device such as a smartphone or tablet

ứng dụng

5. convenient (adj)


useful, easy or quick to do; not causing problems

tiện lợi, thuận lợi


Anticipated difficulties


- Students may not know the meanings of some words in the conversation.

- Students may not know how to work in teams.

- Provide students with some lexical items before listening and reading the conversation.

- Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary.

Board Plan

Date of teaching


Lesson 1: Getting started

* Warm-up: Guessing game               

I. Vocabulary

1. invent (v): phát minh, sáng chế

2. improve (v): cải thiện, trở nên tốt hơn

3. suitable (adj): phù hợp

4. app (n): ứng dụng

5. convenient (adj): tiện lợi, thuận lợi

II. Practice

Task 1: Listen and read.

Task 2: Read and answer the questions.

Task 3: Find three nouns and three adjectives.

Task 4: Fill in the gaps.

* Homework




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